The Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Latvia invites you to the session "Cognitive Science" (83rd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia), which will take place on Friday, February 21 at 14:00 (on Zoom), in Latvian and English.

Session consists of two parts:

  1. Perceptual and cognitive systems and processes;
  2. Visuospatial processes as indicators of neurodegenerative and mental disorders.

Program: TBA

17:00-18:00 Keynote talk


Session chair:  Prof. Jurģis Šķilters


Keynote Talk:

Dimensions of Explanatory Value in Computational Models of Natural Language Use.

Prof. Kees van Deemter

Department of Information and Computing Sciences 

Utrecht University 

The Netherlands

Models of human language use are commonly evaluated in terms of their performance, for instance by means of computational metrics and/or judgements by human judges. In this talk, I will ask what additional criteria there might be in terms of which such models should be evaluated. I will propose a set of criteria that emerge when we view Natural Language Processing as a scientific enterprise whose aim is to explain how speakers and hearers use language; these criteria include generality, parsimony, and support from linguistic or other theories. To illustrate my proposal, I will focus on a research topic that has a long history in NLP and computational modelling, namely Referring Expressions Generation (REG), comparing some recent REG models in terms of the aforementioned criteria. I will conclude by asking whether the same criteria apply to application-oriented NLP as well, and what it might mean for institutional policies if journal editors and conference organisers took my proposal onboard.

K. van Deemter (2023) Dimensions of Explanatory Value in NLP Models. Computational Linguistics 49 (3).

Latvijas Universitātes 83. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences ietvaros Eksakto zinātņu un tehnoloģiju fakultātes Uztveres un kognitīvo sistēmu laboratorija aicina uz sesiju „Kognitīvā zinātne", kas norisināsies piektdien, 21.februārī plkst. 14:00 (attālināti platformā Zoom) latviešu un angļu valodā.

Sekcijas sēde sastāv no divām daļām:

  1. Uztveres un kognitīvās sistēmas un procesi;
  2. Vizuāli telpiskie procesi kā neirodeģeneratīvo un psihisko traucējumu indikatori.

Programma: informācija sekos

17:00-18:00 Vieslekcija


Sesijas vadītājs: Prof. Jurģis Šķilters