About the Distinguished Lecture in Cognitive Science:
Robert Blumberg Distinguished Lecture in Cognitive Science was initiated 2018 in collaboration between the Laboratory of Perception and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia, and Robert Blumberg, honorary member of UL, patron, board member of the organization "Friends of the University of Latvia", and the honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia in the State of Illinois. Robert Blumberg Distinguished Lecture in Cognitive Science is the only event in Baltic area honouring highest level significant cross-disciplinary contributions in Cognitive Science. Previous lectures and affiliated events have brought together the most important researchers from the fields of perception, psychology, music, mathematics, and neuroscience to mention just a few. Support for this lecture is administered by the University of Latvia Foundation.
Gustaf Gredebäck
Uppsala University, Sweden

Prof. Sara Irina Fabrikant
University of Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Emily K. Farran
University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Philippe Schlenker
Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS/NYU, France / USA
Prof. Robert Goldstone
Indiana University Bloomington, USA