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Uztveres un kognitīvās sistēmas un procesi / Perceptual and cognitive systems and processes
Emociju vārdi latviešu valodā un to sasaiste ar personības iezīmēm (LV)
Egle Klekere1, Santa Bartušēvica1, Jurģis Šķilters1, Solvita Umbraško1
- Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
Emotional effect on auditory instruction perception: an ERP study(ENG)
Anita Zdanovica1, 2, Baiba Trinite2, Jurgis Skilters3, Daiga Kurme2, Evija Lavrane2, Ilva Magazeina2, Chie Nakatani4
- Department of Psychology, University of Latvia
- Speech and Voice Research Laboratory, Liepaja University
- Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
- Brain and Cognition Research Unit, KU Leuven. Belgium
Emotion intensity of athletes in the Olympic Games depending on experience (LV)
Zigmunds Freibergs1, Marita Vilciņa2, Līga Zariņa1, Solvita Umbraško1, Jurģis Šķilters1
- Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
- Latvijas Olimpiskā vienība
Exploring spatial abilities and individual factors in athletes (ENG)
Santa Bartušēvica1 , Laura Zeļģe1, Jurģis Šķilters1 , Solvita Umbraško1 and Līga Zariņa1
- Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
Cognitive map of food producers' communication on climate change (ENG)
Maija Kāle1
- University of Latvia
Vizuāli telpiskie procesi kā neirodeģeneratīvo un psihisko traucējumu indikatori / Visuospatial processes as indicators of neurodegenerative and mental disorders.
Depresijas iezīmju saistība ar kognitīvām spējām pieaugušajiem ar un bez neirodeģeneratīvām saslimšanām (LV)
Agnese A. Pastare1,2, Jurģis Šķilters2, Solvita Umbraško2, Santa Bartušēvica2, Līga Zariņa2, Laura Zeļģe2, Ardis Platkājis1, Jānis Mednieks1, Aleksejs Ševčenko1, Nauris Zdanovskis1, Artūrs Šilovs1, Edgars Naudiņš1
- Riga Stradins University
- Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
Perceptual organization, perception of accent and their neurodegenerative distortions. Uztveres organizācija, akcenta uztvere un to neirodeģeneratīvās izmaiņas (ENG)
Jurģis Šķilters1, Megija L. Gintere1, Elza Klūģe1, Baingio Pinna3, Santa Bartušēvica1, Līga Zariņa1, Solvita Umbraško1,Laura Zeļģe1, Agnese A. Pastare1,3, Ardis Platkājis3, Jānis Mednieks3, Aleksejs Ševčenko3, Nauris Zdanovskis3, Artūrs Šilovs3, Edgars Naudiņš3
- Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
- University of Sassari, Italy
- Riga Stradins University
Vizuāli telpisko spēju saistība ar galvas smadzeņu domēnu tilpumu mērījumiem pieaugušajiem ar un bez neirodeģeneratīviem traucējumiem (LV)
Agnese A. Pastare1,2, Jurģis Šķilters2, Solvita Umbraško2, Santa Bartušēvica2, Līga Zariņa2, Laura Zeļģe2, Ardis Platkājis1, Jānis Mednieks1, Aleksejs Ševčenko1, Nauris Zdanovskis1, Artūrs Šilovs1, Edgars Naudiņš1
- Riga Stradins University
- Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
Closing Keynote (17:00):
Beliefs in the senses: Changing odor representations in mice and men
Prof. John McGann
Director: Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science
Director: Laboratory on the Neurobiology of Sensory Cognition
Rutgers University, NJ, USA