Monthly Lab Seminar in Collaboration with RSU will take place from November 2021 to May 2022. These webinars are organised for doctoral students, researchers and lecturers representing various professional fields, from medical and computer sciences to social sciences and humanities.


  • Spatial perception and spatial cognitive processes, their impact on neural and other processes
  • Processing emotions
  • Visual perception and its relation to other senses
  • Perception of medical images
  • Cross-modal perception (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing and their connections)
  • Integrative analysis of neural and cognitive processes
  • Mathematical and logical modelling of cognitive processes

The webinar cycle is implemented by RSU in cooperation with the University of Latvia (Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems at the Faculty of Computing).

For more information visit:


Past webinars

16/06/22 Illusions of mind from perception to biology, from normality to pathology

Lecturer: Professor Baingio Pinna

Video recording



17/05/22 Cognitive Heuristics for Commonsense Reasoning in the next generation of AI systems

Lecturer: Antonio Lieto, PhD



07/04/22 Wearables, theatre, and the cognitive sciences

Lecturer: Dr. Jamie A. Ward

Video recording


24/03/22 Brain pathways & information flow for face processing

Lecturer: Prof. Aina Pūce, Ph.D.


Video recording


24/02/22 Sex/gender differences in language and brain: Findings and methodological challenges

Lecturer: Prof. Mikkel Wallentin



20/1/22 Patterns of free exploration in space shape memory for new environments

Lecturer: Dr. Iva Brunec 

Video recording


9/12/21  Individual differences in navigation ability: Brain and behaviour

Lecturer: Dr. Elizabeth Chrastil 

Video recording


11/11/21 A new approach to object and face perception

Lecturer: Professor Baingio Pinna

Video recording