Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems first Research Seminar
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Seminar programme:
Part 1 (in english)
Dr. Abigail Klassen
Are ‘Ways of Being a Person’ Non-Inevitable?
Abstract: I analyze to what extent the theoretical cogency and practical efficacy of social constructionist programs are affected by vagueness surrounding the meaning of “non-inevitability.” My task is successful if it can explain, organize, and clarify how this issue affects social constructionist programs and ameliorative versions especially. Very roughly, descriptive social constructionists ask ‘What is X?’ or ‘In virtue of what social factors is X constituted?’ My interests lay particularly in ‘ways of being a person,’ to borrow Ian Hacking’s language (1999). Given issues of social justice in particular, ameliorative social constructionists ask ‘What should X be?’ or ‘How should we alter our conception of X?’ I propose that the claim of ‘non-inevitability’ on the part of social constructionists has not been adequately justified: its meaning has not been made precise or relies too heavily on intuitions about what is social/natural, unnecessary/necessary, and alterable/inalterable. To defend and bolster social constructionist programs, I propose two understandings of “non-inevitability,” which, though somewhat course-grained are not thereby merely half-baked.
Part 2 (in latvian)
Informācijas vizualizācija kā uztveres un domāšanas daļa, paplašinājums un uzlabojums
- Strukturālas līdzības topoloģiskā modelēšana: pārskats
Jurģis Šķilters, Uztveres un kognitīvo sistēmu laboratorija, Datorikas fakultāte - Vizualizācijas ģeometriskie un topoloģiskie faktori.
Līga Zariņa, Uztveres un kognitīvo sistēmu laboratorija, Datorikas fakultāte - Diskusija par informācijas vizualizāciju, kuru ievadīs Līvas Raitas (LU) prezentācija
Seminārs notika pētījuma projekta "Strukturālas līdzības topoloģiskā modelēšana: informācijas vizualizācijas topoloģiskā un eksperimentālā analīze" ietvaros, kuru atbalsta SIA „Mikrotīkls”. Ziedojumu administrē Latvijas Universitātes fonds.